Classmate Bios

Every life has a story…what’s yours?


We would like to read your biography, here's some ideas for writing it:


Did you go to college or have an other experience?  What is your degree?


Where have you traveled?


Where are you living now?


What is your occupation?


Are you married?  Children?  Pets?


What is your personal chronology, highlights, exciting moments, greatest accomplishment since high school?


What is your favorite high school memory?


Do you have a favorite quote or words of wisdom to share or to be remembered by?


Pictures of you now?

We will be providing your contact information on the 25th Anniversary CD but not on the website - so send us a "Contact Us" email if you don't want us to do this

Forgot password


Nancy Bassarab (Bassarab)

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Marital status: Single
Occupation: Teacher
Wow! Where have the 25 years gone. I have been living in Calgary all this time working for the CBE. I have been fortunate to do some traveling which in which I ended up in Perth Australia teaching for a year on a job exchange. Golf is the sport of choice these days and I did my first half marathon this summer. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Thanks to those who took the time to put this on.

Sherri Chorney (Platt)

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Marital status: Married Children: 1
Occupation: Unemployed
Currently living in Calgary with my husband, Wayne, and son, Michael - 10 yrs. old and not working. After graduation I worked at the U of C for 3 years and then met my future husband and got married in 1985. We moved to Medicine Hat and Brooks for a few years and then back to Calgary and worked at the U of C again, and then quit working to stay home with my son in 1998. WE moved oversears to the U.K. in 2000 for 4 years, living a few years in both England and Scotland. MOved back to Calgary in 2004 and glad to be back - Realized that Canada is the best place to live and plan to not move anywhere else soon. Still hang out with Susan Rafaat and keep in touch with Cindy Sheehan and Sydney Watson - long distance! Susan and I spent a great weekend in London, England with Sydney when I lived over there and Sydney was living in London. Still love to travel and and enjoy cooking (should have become a chef!) and being out in the sunny weather (missed the sunshine for 4 years while in the U.K.). Hope to stay healthy and active for many years to come! Look forward to meeting up with old friends in the fall!

Nancy Clayden (McKerracher)

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Marital status: Married Children: 4
Occupation: Paramedic/Mom
Life after High School – which seems like yesterday and yet soo long ago, began when I went South to Ricks College for 2 years to obtain an Associate Degree in Health Sciences. While there I volunteered with the local ambulance service and developed a passion for helping others. I returned and attended SAIT where I became a Paramedic. I met and married a classmate, my sweetheart and friend. I then worked for the City of Calgary as a paramedic (occasionally picking up and treating someone I knew from high school – what a way to keep in touch). I also worked for STARS as a flight medic and taught at SAIT in both their EMT and Paramedic programs. I later took some time off work to be at home with our 4 growing children, now 21, 18, 15 and 10. Our 2 oldest are both in university pursuing medical interests. While at home I continued to try and make a difference for others by fostering 25 more children whose families were in crisis. As our last two little ones move on this fall I’ll be resuming work but I’ve come to learn that my greatest joys and accomplishments come from growing and laughing with my family. My favorite things include spending time together, exercising with my daughters, painting and traveling. We have enjoyed seeing many parts of the world. Life has been so good to us and yet, we have had struggles, grown from them together and hopefully like each of you have become better, wiser and more compassionate because of them. Thanks to all whose effort went into organizing this weekend and for helping us to reconnect and maintain friendships. I’m looking forward to seeing many of you again. Best of luck and health to all of you for the next 25 years!

John Cumming (Cumming)

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Marital status: Single
Occupation: Family Business
Holy Smokes, I'm still waiting to grow-up where did those 25 years go. I've been working in the family business since QE. Been living and partying for the last 23 plus years in Calgary & and finally saw clarity 20 months ago,which lead me to Bali for Kayaking and sailing around the island for 6 weeks. That is pretty much it in a nut shell. Looking forward in seeing you all. PS thanks to those who but time in pulling this off.

Courtney Dalton (Dalton)

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Marital status: Married Children: 3
Occupation: Account Executive
Most of the last 25 yrs have been in the US with 12 yrs in Phoenix and the last 7 yrs living in a little township about 60 miles north of New York City. Graduated from DeVry in Phoenix and then picked up an MBA. Met Liane in Quebec and happily married for 22 yrs. We have 3 kids, Samantha (16), Alex (13) and Kendra (10). Samantha and Kendra have both proven to be infinitely better students than their father and they are great kids. Alex is severely mentally handicapped due to a rare genetic disorder. He is a sweet little guy with about a 2 yr old intellect so he provides lots of excitement around our house and what a blessing he has been for our family. I have spent the last 11 yrs working for a legal software company in sales dealing with large international firms. I have been a road warrior for long time but now mostly hopping around the northeast, Bermuda and London. Liane has done a wonderful job of keeping our home running smoothly through all the years of travel. Years of basketball have been replaced by golf. Skiing was very limited while living in Arizona and now we have lots of eastern “mountains” with really hard snow but we still have lots of fun. Finishing up training for my “mid-life crisis” first marathon which just happens to be on the same Saturday as the reunion! Fortunately the flight schedules work perfectly so I will be able to finish the marathon, hobble to the airport and still make it to Calgary in time for the festivities on Saturday night. This should all make for a very interesting day! Really looking forward to seeing everyone and a special thanks to those that are taking the time to put this together.

Cathy Delay (Anstett)

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Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: Director of Human Resources
August 31, 2006 Hello Friends, Wow, can it really be 25 years! Life has been simple and sweet for me. In the fall after graduating High School I met the love of my life and have been married for 23 years. It’s actually kinda weird as Dave Delay is from St. Andrew Heights so he went to school with a lot of your brothers and sisters. It didn’t take us long to start our family – our oldest son is 21 years old and our youngest son is 17 years old. We have been living in High River, Alberta for 24 years and love the small town life. I have been working for the Mullen Group in Aldersyde (between High River & Okotoks) for 23 years and my current role is Director of Human Resources. We enjoy hanging out with our family & friends and roasting wieners over a fire while sipping on a cool one somewhere in the mountains with our holiday trailer. It’s cool when your kids are older as you suddenly have a lot more freedom – my 20’s & early 30’s were a different story though while raising little ones. I hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful life filled with lots of love, laughs and smiles! Sincerely, Cathy Anstett

Jonathan Downton (Downton)

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Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: Geophysicist
After graduating from High School I went to the University of Alberta and graduated with a BSc specializing in Geophysics. I got a job in the Calgary oil patch and have worked as a geophysicist in different capacities ever since. I have had a chance to travel having made it to five continents so far. I met my wife Beatrix on safari in Africa. We have two daughters Zoe (age 8) and Annika (Age 11). One of the highlights in my day is spending time with my kids in the evening, seeing the world anew through their eyes. In the 90’s I was the part owner of a geophysical processing company, which we sold in 98. I felt I was in a need for a change so I went back to school and did my PhD. I am now working as research scientist for a geophysical company in Calgary. I enjoy cycling, bicycle commuting to work 9 months in the year (avoiding the really cold weather) and mountain biking. I look forward to seeing everyone (provided there are no hurricanes, as I’m flying back from New Orleans to make this)!

Diana Dumoulin (Mah)

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Marital status: Married Children: 3
Occupation: Analyst, Systems Management
Since I'm writing this after the reunion, I just wanted to say how much fun it was to see everyone again. Dennis, you are something else. I'll keep this short and sweet, a year after graduating from DeVry, I moved out to Toronto. Lived, worked and played there for 10 years. Met and married Neil in 1988. We have 3 great kids, Justin (16), Nicki (15), and Evan (8). Got a little tired of the hot and humid summers and eventually found myself back in Calgary. Raising teenagers, oh my God, were we like this! Hmmm, on second thought, maybe even worse. Life's been good. The love of family and friends... what more could I ask for. I wish everyone health and happiness.

Lavina Gilliland (Wohlford)

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Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: Mostly Mom
Hello Classmates! First of all, many thanks to the great initiative to organize this website and event. Because of you, we have an opportunity to perhaps answer the question “I wonder whatever happened to …?” I am still in denial that it has really been 25 years!! However, much has happened, it is hard to know where to start. Family … For 12 wonderful and exciting years, I have been married to Bill! (Yes, I am still incredibly in love!). Shortly after we married, we, including our dog, moved to Moscow, Russia for three years followed by a two-year stint in Almaty, Kazakhstan. (Yes, we had to learn Russian!). We arrived back in Calgary in 2000 just in time to have our son, Rory (laboring at the Palliser Hotel!), who is now in Grade 1. Sage, our daughter, domestically born on our kitchen floor, is now four! (Flora would have been a good name!). They are FUNtabulous kids! Career… I graduated from SAIT in Architectural Tech. ('85) and eventually started consulting in computer graphics. In Moscow, I opted for a drastic career change and became a headhunter trying to convince executives to work in Russia for large int’l companies (e.g. Coca Cola, Adidas, etc.). In Almaty, I dove into charity work (mostly fundraising for a Children’s Cancer Hospital). Sadly, it was a futile effort due to extreme corruption. Now I am lucky to have the most challenging, rewarding and frustrating of careers – a full-time Mom. Travel… Travel has always been in my blood, which was why I joined the band (despite being a lousy musician)! I have traveled extensively. Some of the highlights include: scuba diving in Papua New Guinea searching out lost WWII wrecks, then living in the highlands with a tribe of little men with painted faces and no underwear, wearing wigs made of crazy materials (incl. Corn Flakes boxes); honeymooned in Turkey; backpacked routes taken by Genghis Khan and Marco Polo (incl. Kyrgyzstan & Uzbekistan, etc.); traveled the Silk road from Kazakhstan, across NW China (Xinjiang region) into the Taklimakan Dessert in search of carpets; mountain biked in the mountains of Morocco; and, traveled into the northern reaches of Vietnam. I/we have also traveled throughout Russia, Europe and Eastern Europe, SE Asia, Peru and Chile. Today… With our young children and dogs, and the instability of international travel, we are happily settled in Calgary. We spend a great deal of time in Canmore and in Tofino, BC. I like to stay fit preferably by doing outdoor activities: skiing, hiking, mountain biking, kayaking and running (have done a couple of half marathons). I am also learning how to surf. The Future … Of course, I hope to do more travel. When my kids are old enough, I would like to cycle the TransCanada pathway (a bit each summer). I hope to move into event management when the kids are both in school and even have been considering going to University. Though the ebb and flow of our lives mean we don’t connect with each other often, it will be fun to meet you all again to hear your life stories, whether in person or online. Still, Lavina

Debbie Grauer (Anderson)

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Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: Legal Assistant/Personal Trainer
Hi Everyone! It's been just great to read everyone's bios! Logan and I married in 1985 and we have two great boys, Geoff 15, and Peter 8. We moved to Regina, SK. in 1996 and we love it. It took us from all our family but it has been a great life for our family. Saskatchewan is the Prairie's best kept secret! I got into the fitness craze sometime in the mid 80's and it's been a big part of our lives ever since. Training, travelling and racing is the name of the game for most of the summers. Our kids participate largely in triathlon through Kids of Steel programs and water polo. Like Sam Jack, I'm into adventure racing which is very addicting and I also recently completed Ironman Wisconsin. Logan is my incrediable guy, patient, always there to encourage, support and volunteer at races. I spend evenings coaching swimming and working with a smaller group of athletes here in Regina for tri training. I see from the Bio's that Quinn is still a Flames fan and that's too bad. Maybe one day he'll come around....anyway, we are unable to attend this great event due to a Rolling Stone's concert that's happening in Regina the same weekend! Logan and Geoff are going together which is cool! It would be great to see everyone and share some laughs and stories. Congratulations to the individuals who took the time to put it all together and make it happen. Many thanks! I know that this kind of event is a ton of work! Best of luck to all! Would love to hear from you! Cheers!