Almost a year since the reunion, and  what an event it was - great to see old friends and acquaintances - we may be a little bit older, a wee bit larger and a whole lot wiser from our experiences over the past 25 plus years.  But baby you never looked so good. I believe that we have all prospered by living for the future and cherishing our past, those formative years were just that - stepping stones to careers, family, travel, challenges of defining who we are. Wow, reality check time - we are now the same age as our own parents were when we graced the halls of QE.

Our informal survey said that we should do this again in 10 years and again in Calgary (although the left coasters thought Vancouver would be a good venue too).  By then we will be appoximately 53 years of age, likely empty nesters, thinking hard about retirement (hopefully) and in the twilight of our sporting activities - getting old is a bummer only if you let it.

Thanks to all who attended, to those who helped organized it and to Lawrence Spariling for his synopsis of the event.  Please stay in touch via the qehigh1981@hotmail.com email for any changes in personal information.

Until we meet again.

Dennis J. Kwan

August 2007